Watch out for these early signs of kidney failure, take care!!

The kidneys present in some persons lose their ability to function well. As a result, the kidneys in these persons won`t be able to remove waste and extra water from the blood. The shocking piece of information revealed by the World Health Organisation or WHO is that millions of people suffer from CKD or chronic kidney diseases and this CKD would lead to kidney failures when not treated properly.

Until significant damage has taken place, the kidney failure symptoms usually go unnoticed only. Point is that early detection of kidney failure is very essential to avoid serious complications.

Who is at greater risk of getting kidney failure problem?

It is noteworthy that persons with diabetes, high blood pressure and family history have more chances of getting kidney failures.

Please be careful regarding these early signs of kidney failure and take care.

Fatigue and weakness:

Waste would collect inside the body due to kidney failure resulting in anaemia or shortage of RBCs. Performing daily tasks would be difficult as we could feel dizzy, weak etc.

Swelling in feet, ankles etc:

The feet and ankles would swell and it is a sign of kidney failure. The reason is due to the retention of fluid. Swelling might occur even in face also.

Changes in urination:

Those with kidney failure would show urinary changes like frequent urination in the night, dark foamy and blood coloured urine and reduced urine output inspite of more water intake etc.

Persistent nausea and vomiting:

It is noteworthy that build up of toxins in the bloodstream could result in nausea, vomiting etc. There would be loss of appetite.  Body would not be able to maintain energy.

Breathing issues:

The collection of fluid due to kidney failure would cause breathing issues even after doing mild activities.

Skin itching and dryness etc:

Waste from the blood is removed by the kidneys. Kidney failure could lead to toxins accumulation and further to skin dryness, itching etc.

Muscle cramps, twitching etc:

Electrolyte balance would get affected due to kidney failure. This could lead to muscle cramps, twitching etc.

High BP and heart disease etc:

By balancing sodium and fluid levels, kidneys regulate blood pressure or BP in us. Kidney failure could lead to high BP and more chances of getting heart disease etc. This is also an important early sign of kidney failure.

Metallic taste and bad breath:

Persons with kidney failure would have metallic taste in their mouths, bad breath etc and this is due to high concentration of waste in the blood or uraemia.

Difficulty in concentration:

Our brain function would get affected due to toxins in the blood because of kidney failure. This would result in poor memory, poor concentration etc.

How can kidney failure be detected early?

Point to be noted is that kidney failure can be detected at the early stage itself through blood tests, urine tests, routine checkups etc. The progression of the disease could be slowed down by this. It is necessary to pay attention to the early signs mentioned above and get treated. Please take care.

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