Some persons would show sudden mood change and this is termed as BPD or borderline personality disorder. In other words, BPD is a type of mental disorder that would affect a person`s ability to control their emotions.
Various characteristics or symptoms associated with BPD are
It is noteworthy that those with DPD would experience intense, unstable relationships. They would have the fear of getting abandoned and would find it tough to maintain healthy relations.
Persons with this disorder would struggle to control their emotions as their emotions would be shifting rapidly. These persons would have a fluctuating sense of self and would struggle with identity etc. The person with DPD would take part in impulsive behaviour and would spend recklessly or substance abuse etc.
It is highly essential that the persons with this disorder must visit a psychiatrist or a mental health doctor for treatment.
Natural ways to treat and prevent BPD are
By getting enough sleep:
For those who suffer from BPD, sleep is very important and this is one natural method to treat this issue. It is noteworthy that persons with BPD would not get sound sleep and by that they would feel highly irritated and angry throughout the day. Therefore, it is necessary that he or she must sleep for 6 to 7 hours and by that they would be cured.
By doing exercises:
It is true that by doing exercises our mood would be good and we would be able to avoid many diseases etc. by exercising every day, depression etc would get reduced well. By this, our mental health would get better. Hence, it is good to walk for half an hour or do exercises like cardio, yoga type etc.
By consuming vitamins:
Truth is that for a person to avoid getting this BPD then he or she must take vitamin C and folic acid without fail. Though these 2 are not considered as a direct treatment for BPD but they are essential vitamins for mental health. Folic acid is present in green vegetables and hence they must be consumed. It is known that vitamin C is present in citrus fruits like oranges etc.
By undergoing CBT or cognitive behavioural therapy:
The BPD could be avoided by means of CBT or cognitive behavioural therapy. It is learnt that in CBT the doctor would collect details about the person`s behaviour and basesed on that right treatment would be given to the patients. The duration of CBT would be increased depending on the patient`s benefit from the therapy.
By consuming omega 3 fatty acids:
Depression in persons can also be due to omega 3 fatty acids deficiency. This can be consumed as supplements or as natural form like salmon fish, nuts, seeds etc. The persons with BPD must also consume magnesium. By consuming magnesium, mood would improve and depression symptoms would reduce. After taking advice from the doctor, we can also consume multivitamins.